Forensic and Legal Medicine
UNIT NAME: Forensic and Legal Medicine
LOCATION: Via Falloppio 50-Padova
DIRECTOR: Prof. Federico Rea - Director of the Department
- Management: Caterina Petrovich, tel 049-663428 049-8211702, email caterina.petrovich@unipd.it
- Teaching: Nunziatina De Nigris, tel. 049.8272200, email: nunziatina.denigris@unipd.it
- Clinical activities: Sandro Sartori, tel. 049.8213147, email: med.legale@aopd.veneto.it
Some of the activities listed below are also carried out with / by professors and technical administrative staff of the Department of Molecular Medicine (DMM).
Type of clinical activity performed
- Medico-legal advice in cases of professional liability aimed at reducing any judicial claim
- Chemical-toxicological investigations for clinical purposes (acute and chronic intoxication by xenobiotics) and forensics (fitness to drive, fitness to work, license for firearms possession, etc.)
- Certification activity related to the Mortuary Police Regulations
- Ready availability for participation in the Commission for the assessment of death in subjects suffering from brain injuries and undergoing resuscitation measures
- Chemical-toxicological analytical activity on non-biological material at the request of the Judicial Authority or private individuals
- Ready availability for any medico-legal advice for the Hospital of Padua
- Medico-legal support activities to the Regional Transplant Center of the Veneto Region
Main technologies
- Liquid chromatographs coupled to mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS / MS, HPLC-HRMS); gas-phase chromatographs coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS, GC-MS / MS).
Italian and / or foreign quality certification
- UOC Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - ISO 9001: 2015
- School of Specialization in Forensic/Legal Medicine - ISO 9001: 2015
Forensic toxicology
- Forensic applications of -omics technologies
- Substance Use, Psychopathology, and Crime Disorders
Forensic psychopathology
- Heterodirected self-auto-auto aggressive conduct. Victimological and criminological aspects
- Substance Use Disorders, Psychopathology, and Crime
Pathology and Forensic Anthropology
- Digital morphometric analysis of traumatic injuries
- Micro-radiology of bone fractures
- Digital anthropometric analysis of human corpses
- Micro-radiology of the sternoclavicular joint for age estimation
Occupational pathologies
- Histopathology, toxicology and molecular biology in the postmortal diagnosis of occupational disease
Organ transplantation
- The electronic identity card as a tool to implement the procurement of organs for transplantation
- Weakness points in organ and tissue donation in cases of interest to the judicial authority
- Methodology: integration of clinical-circumstantial, autopsy, radiological, histopathological, immunohistochemical, molecular, chemical-toxicological data
Main national and international collaborations:
- University of Bologna
- University of Ancona
- School of specialization in Forensic/Legal Medicine
- "Legal Medicine" teaching room, via Falloppio 50, Padua, equipped with a video projector.
- "Legal Medicine" autopsy room, via Gabelli 61, equipped with fixed and mobile camera connected to televisions, with the possibility of remote data transmission
- "Morphometry" teaching room, via Falloppio 50, Padua, equipped with a microscope with a camera connected to a 4K television
- "Rinaldo Pellegrini" meeting room, via Falloppio 50, Padua
- Laboratory of Clinical and Forensic Toxicology, first floor headquarters of Forensic Medicine, via Falloppio 50, Padua, 049.8218926, head: Prof. Donata Favretto
- Medical-Legal Pathology-Radiology-Anthropology Laboratory, first floor headquarters of Forensic Medicine, via Falloppio 50, Padua, 049.8218156, head: Prof. Giovanni Cecchetto
- Autopsy Room for Legal Medicine, basement of Forensic Medicine, Via Gabelli 61, Padua, head: Prof. Giovanni Cecchetto
- Surname Name Email
- APRILE ANNA anna.aprile@unipd.it
- CAENAZZO LUCIANA luciana.caenazzo@unipd.it
- FAVRETTO DONATA donata.favretto@unipd.it
- FRANCHETTI GIORGIA giorgia.franchetti@unipd.it
- MONTISCI MASSIMO massimo.montisci@unipd.it
- TERRANOVA CLAUDIO claudio.terranova@unipd.it
- TOZZO PAMELA pamela.tozzo@unipd.it
- VIEL GUIDO guido.viel@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- LIONELLO MONICA monica.lionello@unipd.it
- ORSOLON ALESSANDRO alessandro.orsolon@unipd.it
- STEVANIN DANIELA daniela.stevanin@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- AMICO IRENE irene.amico@studenti.unipd.it
- BITETTI ANDREA andrea.bitetti@studenti.unipd.it
- BOSCHINI LAURA laura.boschini@studenti.unipd.it
- BOSCHINI LORENZO lorenzo.boschini@studenti.unipd.it
- CALLEGARI ENRICA enrica.callegari@studenti.unipd.it
- CATTANEO NARGIS ELISA nargiselisa.cattaneo@studenti.unipd.it
- CINQUETTI ALESSANDRO alessandro.cinquetti@studenti.unipd.it
- CUMAN ORIANA oriana.cuman@studenti.unipd.it
- DE MARCHI CHIARA chiara.demarchi.5@studenti.unipd.it
- FABRIS PIETRO pietro.fabris.2@studenti.unipd.it
- FAVA LUDOVICO ludovico.fava@studenti.unipd.it
- FRANCESCHETTO LISA lisa.franceschetto@studenti.unipd.it
- GALEAZZI MADDALENA maddalena.galeazzi@studenti.unipd.it
- GENTILI ALESSANDRO alessandro.gentili.1@studenti.unipd.it
- GOBBETTI GIULIO giulio.gobbetti@studenti.unipd.it
- GROSSO EVA eva.grosso@studenti.unipd.it
- MACCHIAROLO DARIO dario.macchiarolo@studenti.unipd.it
- MARINO LAURA laura.marino@studenti.unipd.it
- MAZZOBEL ENRICO enrico.mazzobel@studenti.unipd.it
- NEGRO MARTINA martina.negro.1@studenti.unipd.it
- PADALINO PASQUALE pasquale.padalino@studenti.unipd.it
- PALUMBI STEFANO stefano.palumbi@studenti.unipd.it
- PERILLI MATTEO matteo.perilli@studenti.unipd.it
- POZZEBON FRANCESCO francesco.pozzebon@studenti.unipd.it
- PROTANI SIMONE simone.protani@studenti.unipd.it
- RIGHETTO SILVIA silvia.righetto.1@studenti.unipd.it
- ROSATTI EDOARDO edoardo.rosatti@studenti.unipd.it
- SECCO LAURA laura.secco@studenti.unipd.it
- TODESCO GIORGIA giorgia.todesco@studenti.unipd.it
- TOSELLI FEDERICO federico.toselli@studenti.unipd.it
- TREVISSOI FEDERICA federica.trevissoi@studenti.unipd.it
- VAROTTO GIULIA giulia.varotto.3@studenti.unipd.it
- VASSILIOU MICHELA DESPINA micheladespina.vassiliou@studenti.unipd.it
- ZOGGIA IRENE irene.zoggia@studenti.unipd.it
- ZURLO LAURA laura.zurlo.1@studenti.unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- CANDIAGO MARISTELLA segreteria.tossicologia@unipd.it
- CARDIN CARLA segreteria.tossicologia@unipd.it
- SARTORI SANDRO med.legale@aopd.veneto.it
- Surname Name Email
- COSTANTINI ALICE costalice00@libero.it