History of Medicine
Ex Institute of Legal Medicine, via Falloppio 50; 35121 Padua
Phone: +390498272202; +390498272269
Prof. Fabio Zampieri fabio.zampieri@unipd.it
Fabio Zampieri (Associate Professor) fabio.zampieri@unipd.it
Alberto Zanatta (Lecturer) alberto.zanatta.1@unipd.it
Giovanni Magno (Curator of Morgagni Museum of Pathology) giovanni.magno@unipd.it
Michael Allen Beck De Lotto (Phd student on Paleopathology) michaelallen.beckdelotto@phd.unipd.it
- History of Medicine - Degree Course in Medicine & Surgery, Padua and Treviso
- Art and Medicine - Degree Course in Medicine & Surgery, Padua
- History of Medicine - English Degree Course in Medicine & Surgery, Padua
- History of Medicine and Dentistry - Degree Course in Dentistry, Padua
- History of Medicine and Bioethics - Degree Course in Health Professions of Technical Diagnostic Sciences, Padua
- Deontology and Professional Development - Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, Padua
- Bioethics - Specialty School in Hygiene, Padua
The Unit of History of Medicine is involved in researches in history of medicine, bioethics, medical museology and paleopathology. The researches of the Unit are particularly focused on the history of the Padua Medical School from Middle Age to our days.
History of medicine research areas:
- Padua pre-Vesalian anatomical school
- Padua anatomical school of the Renaissance
- Padua achievements in physiology during the 17th century
- the anatomo-clinical revolution (18th-19th centuries)
- the birth of medical specialties (19th-20th centuries)
- history of cardiology
- Darwin’s impact on the medical sciences
- the development of scientific method in medicine
- art and medicine
Bioethics research areas:
- history of medical ethics and deontology
- current debates about doctor-patient relationship
- application of technology in medicine
Medical Museology and Paleopathology research areas:
- scientific, didactic, and training activity in medical museology
- preservation of human normal and pathological specimens
- conservation techniques of anatomical specimens
- reconstruction of clinical histories correlated to anatomical specimens
- medical imaging on anatomical specimens
- paleodiet
- forensic facial reconstruction
- ancient DNA analysis
THIRD MISSION (University & Society):
The Unit is involved in several activities directed to the divulgation and financial valorisation of knowledge in the society.
- Guided tours in places correlated to medical history and medical museology
- Divulgation activities at the Morgagni Museum of Anatomy (https://www.musei.unipd.it/en/morgagnimuseum)
- Scientific divulgation for students and general public
- Organization of scientific and art expositions
- Consultation on human ancient specimens
- Interdepartmental Centre for the History of Medicine (CISM)
- Centre for the History of the University of Padua (CSUP)
- University Museums Centre (CAM)
- Centro Socio-Sanitario Prospero Alpini of the City of Marostica
- Interdepartmental Centre for the Ancient Medicine (RIMA) of the University of Udine
- Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance, Domus Comeliana, Pisa, Italy
- Institute of Advanced Studied (IAS), University of Durham, UK
- Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry Research Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Department of Anatomy, Histology, and Anthropology, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- Department of Kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi, India
- Surname Name Email
- ZAMPIERI FABIO fabio.zampieri@unipd.it
- ZANATTA ALBERTO alberto.zanatta.1@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- BECK DE LOTTO MICHAEL ALLEN michaelallen.beckdelotto@studenti.unipd.it