Hygiene and Public Health
Hygiene and Public Health
Headquarters: Edificio di Igiene Via Loredan 18 – 35131 Padova
Chief: Prof Vincenzo Baldo
Secretary: 049 8275407
FIORINDO NATALINA 049 8275388 - natalina.fiorindo@unipd.it
Hospital epidemiology; planning, programming, and evaluation of health services; environmental surveillance and infectious disease surveillance. Planning and implementation of ad hoc surveys in direct collaboration with the Hospital Health Directorate. Analysis of appropriateness in health care delivery by means of indicators and models based on routine administrative data.
Epidemiologic coordination for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, in particular for Invasive Bacterial Diseases (IBDs).
Research activities, both basic and applied, mainly focus on Hygiene and Public Health-related topics, in particular on the epidemiology and prophylaxis of communicable and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
Epidemiology and prophylaxis of infectious diseases: seroepidemiological investigations on poliovirus, hepatitis viruses, influenza viruses, Invasive Bacterial Diseases (IBDs), TBE, tuberculosis; studies on reactogenicity, immunogenicity and efficacy of various types of vaccine; infection risk assessment in hospital settings.
Epidemiological characteristics and identification of risk factors for noncommunicable diseases.
Health and economic impact analysis in the field of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
Socio-behavioural evaluative epidemiology: accident-related diseases, impact of modifiable behavioural risk factors, assessment of quality of life in the elderly. Assessment of lifestyle-related risk factors in children and adolescents and evaluation of health promotion interventions for young people.
Implementation of projects for the purpose of specific experimental investigations: analyses, controls and tests on materials, devices, and equipment.
Use of complex systems for health source analysis.
Models for healthcare performance evaluation.
Models for evaluation of lifestyles and health promotion interventions.
Specific laboratory analyses on human and environmental matrices for epidemiological studies: seroepidemiology and studies on transmission of microbiological agents.
Cultural and biomolecular analyses on human and environmental matrices.
- Surname Name Email
- BALDO VINCENZO vincenzo.baldo@unipd.it
- BALDOVIN TATJANA tatjana.baldovin@unipd.it
- BERTONCELLO CHIARA chiara.bertoncello@unipd.it
- BUJA ALESSANDRA alessandra.buja@unipd.it
- COCCHIO SILVIA silvia.cocchio@unipd.it
- FONZO MARCO marco.fonzo@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- AMORUSO IRENE irene.amoruso@unipd.it
- CORAZZINA ALESSANDRA alessandra.corazzina@unipd.it
- FIORINDO NATALINA natalina.fiorindo@unipd.it
- FURLAN PATRIZIA patrizia.furlan@unipd.it
- RIONDATO MONICA monica.riondato@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- AVALOS CLERICI VERONICA ELOISA veronicaeloisa.avalosclerici@studenti.unipd.it
- BARILLARO MATTEO matteo.barillaro@studenti.unipd.it
- BASSAN FRANCESCO francesco.bassan.1@studenti.unipd.it
- BASSANELLO MARCO marco.bassanello.2@studenti.unipd.it
- BASSO ANDREA andrea.basso.10@studenti.unipd.it
- BENVENUTI FRANCESCO francesco.benvenuti.1@studenti.unipd.it
- BIASI LAURA laura.biasi@studenti.unipd.it
- BILATO LAURA laura.bilato@studenti.unipd.it
- BOLZONELLA UMBERTO umberto.bolzonella@studenti.unipd.it
- BOSCOLO CEGION RICCARDO riccardo.boscolocegion@studenti.unipd.it
- BRANDOLESE ANDREA andrea.brandolese@studenti.unipd.it
- BUSINARO RICCARDO riccardo.businaro@studenti.unipd.it
- CABERLOTTO RICCARDO riccardo.caberlotto@studenti.unipd.it
- CALÒ DANIELE daniele.calo@studenti.unipd.it
- CALZAVARA ANDREA andrea.calzavara.7@studenti.unipd.it
- CARRER LORENZO lorenzo.carrer.1@studenti.unipd.it
- CENTOMO MATTEO matteo.centomo@studenti.unipd.it
- COGO NICOLA nicola.cogo.1@studenti.unipd.it
- COMPAGNO LINDA linda.compagno@studenti.unipd.it
- COZZA ANDREA andrea.cozza@studenti.unipd.it
- CRISTOFORI VITTORIO vittorio.cristofori@studenti.unipd.it
- DE LUCA GIUSEPPE giuseppe.deluca.2@studenti.unipd.it
- DE POLO ANNA anna.depolo@studenti.unipd.it
- DE SIENA FRANCESCO PAOLO francescopaolo.desiena@studenti.unipd.it
- DOSSI FRANCESCA francesca.dossi.1@studenti.unipd.it
- FACCHIN GIACOMO giacomo.facchin@studenti.unipd.it
- FASOLO FABIOLA fabiola.fasolo@studenti.unipd.it
- FORMARO CARLO MARIA carlomaria.formaro@studenti.unipd.it
- FRASSON ENRICA enrica.frasson@studenti.unipd.it
- GAGLIANI ALBERTO alberto.gagliani@studenti.unipd.it
- GEPPINI RUGGERO ruggero.geppini@studenti.unipd.it
- GHIRARDINI DIEGO diego.ghirardini@studenti.unipd.it
- GIANNAVOLA ELIANA RITA elianarita.giannavola@studenti.unipd.it
- GIROLAMETTO GLORIA gloria.girolametto@studenti.unipd.it
- GREGO VALENTINA valentina.grego@studenti.unipd.it
- GRIMALDI FRANCESCO francesco.grimaldi.2@studenti.unipd.it
- GROTTO GIULIA giulia.grotto.1@studenti.unipd.it
- LATTAVO GAIA gaia.lattavo@studenti.unipd.it
- LEONE GIOVANNI giovanni.leone.3@studenti.unipd.it
- LO BUE ROBERTA roberta.lobue@studenti.unipd.it
- LO GIUDICE IRMA irma.logiudice@studenti.unipd.it
- MACULAN PIETRO pietro.maculan@studenti.unipd.it
- MAFRICI SIMONA FORTUNATA simonafortunata.mafrici@studenti.unipd.it
- MANFREDI MARIAGIOVANNA mariagiovanna.manfredi@studenti.unipd.it
- MANFRIN ANNA anna.manfrin.1@studenti.unipd.it
- MANZELLA ALESSANDRO alessandro.manzella.1@studenti.unipd.it
- MARCATO CAMILLA camilla.marcato.1@studenti.unipd.it
- MARCHETTO ELENA elena.marchetto.3@studenti.unipd.it
- MIATTON ANDREA andrea.miatton@studenti.unipd.it
- MICCOLIS LIANA liana.miccolis@studenti.unipd.it
- MICHIELON MATTEO matteo.michielon@studenti.unipd.it
- MILANI MARCO marco.milani.11@studenti.unipd.it
- MINNICELLI ANIL anil.minnicelli@studenti.unipd.it
- MIOLA STEFANO stefano.miola@studenti.unipd.it
- MONTECCHIO LAURA laura.montecchio@studenti.unipd.it
- MORELLO GIORGIA giorgia.morello@studenti.unipd.it
- NICOLETTI MICHELE michele.nicoletti@studenti.unipd.it
- PANAITE STEFAN-ALEXANDRU stefanalexandru.panaite@studenti.unipd.it
- PAROLIN FILIPPO filippo.parolin@studenti.unipd.it
- PERKOVIC DAVOR davor.perkovic.1@studenti.unipd.it
- PETTA DANIELE daniele.petta@studenti.unipd.it
- PINATO MARCO marco.pinato.2@studenti.unipd.it
- RIGONI MATTEO matteo.rigoni.1@studenti.unipd.it
- ROMAN ALBERTO alberto.roman.2@studenti.unipd.it
- SALVÒ VERONICA veronica.salvo@studenti.unipd.it
- SANTUZ MICHELE michele.santuz@studenti.unipd.it
- SCARDINA CLAUDIA claudia.scardina@studenti.unipd.it
- SCOTTON FRANCESCA francesca.scotton.1@studenti.unipd.it
- SERPENTINO MICHELE michele.serpentino@studenti.unipd.it
- SFORZI BENEDETTA benedetta.sforzi@studenti.unipd.it
- SGORBISSA BEATRICE beatrice.sgorbissa@studenti.unipd.it
- SORMANI ZODO CHIARA chiara.sormanizodo@studenti.unipd.it
- SORRENTINO PAOLA paola.sorrentino.1@studenti.unipd.it
- STEFANO ANTONELLA antonella.stefano@studenti.unipd.it
- STORTI ILARIA ilaria.storti.1@studenti.unipd.it
- TAHA MUSTAPHA mustapha.taha@studenti.unipd.it
- TIKVINA SUADA suada.tikvina@studenti.unipd.it
- TIOZZO PAGIO ALESSANDRO alessandro.tiozzopagio@studenti.unipd.it
- TREMOLADA GIULIA giulia.tremolada@studenti.unipd.it
- TRIBBIA LUCA luca.tribbia@studenti.unipd.it
- TUDOR LILIANA liliana.tudor@studenti.unipd.it
- VENTURATO GIOVANNI giovanni.venturato.1@studenti.unipd.it
- VOLTOLINI ANNA anna.voltolini@studenti.unipd.it
- ZAMPIERI CHIARA chiara.zampieri.8@studenti.unipd.it
- ZANELLA VALENTINA valentina.zanella.8@studenti.unipd.it
- ZANOVELLO SOFIA sofia.zanovello@studenti.unipd.it
- ZARDETTO ALBERTO alberto.zardetto@studenti.unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- BELARDINELLI SOFIA sofia.belardinelli96@gmail.com
- COZZOLINO CLAUDIA claudia.cozzolino@studenti.unipd.it
- VANZANI VALERIA valeria.vanzani@unipd.it
- Surname Name Email
- BOLZONELLA MARCO bolzonellamarcoo@gmail.com
- PALMESI CLAUDIO claudio.palmeri@studenti.unipd.it
- PANTALEO ILARIA ilariapantaleo1@gmail.com
- PASTRES MAIA maiapastres97@gmail.com
- ZUCCONI MELISSA melissazucconi@gmail.com