Transplant Immunology

HEAD OFFICE: Padua University Hospital – Ospedale Giustinianeo - Via Giustiniani, 2 – 35100 PADUA - ITALY (Access: 2nd floor - lift N. 8)



Direction: Tel.  049 8218841 (email:

Secretariat: Tel.  049 8218839 (email:



Type of clinical activity:

The Transplant Immunology Unit of the Padua University Hospital, headed by Prof. Emanuele Cozzi, is specialized in the management of the immunological compatibility and access to transplantation for patients with difficult immunological profile.


Main Technologies/surgical approaches:

The Unit carries out its activities in the context of each of the transplant programs at the Padua University Hospital, both before and after transplantation, providing clinical-immunological support to all clinical teams (both pediatric and adults programs).


Italian and/or international certification:

The Transplant Immunology Unit contributes significantly to the transplant programs at the Padua University Hospital and is an acknowledged center of excellence in the national and international transplantation landscape.

In particular, it provides specialist advice to the National Transplant Center (CNT) for immunological issues in organ transplantation and has coordinated the design of the new National Hyperimmune Program (PNI 3.0).



Diseases of interest:

Patients difficult to transplant due to immunological incompatibility. 


Tests to assess the humoral and cellular immunity .

Italian and/or international certification:

The Transplant Immunology Unit has coordinated numerous national and international research projects in the field of transplantation. In particular, the Unit has coordinated two major Integrated Projects funded by the European Union (FP6 and FP7).

Major national and international collaborations:

Prof. Cozzi collaborates with:

-        The CHU, INSERM UMR 1064, Nantes University (Prof. J-P Soulillou and Prof. J-M Bach) for issues related to non-HLA antibodies

-        The MIRCen / CEA center, Paris (Prof. P. Hantraye) for issues related to neural cells transplantation

-        The Stem cells for HD International (SC4HDI), an  international group of experts in preclinical and clinical involved in development of stem cell based therapies for neurodegeneration.


Course of “Transplantation Immunology of Solid Organs”